Heating Fuel Budget Plans

Home heating in Pennsylvania and New York is a must. That used to result in expensive fall and winter energy bills, but at Highhouse Energy, we’ve developed a solution. Instead of paying for your winter heating fuel all at once, you can spread it out over 12 months. All you have to do is contact us and request to join our heating fuel budget plan.

Why Enroll in a Heating Fuel Budget Plan?

Why pay for heating bills in a lump sum over the winter months? Many families already compensate financially for holiday gifts, travel, hosting family members, and snow removal throughout the winter season. Simplify your life with a budget plan for your PA or NY propane, fuel oil, or kerosene deliveries.

Budget Plan Benefits

  • Spread your heating bills over 12 months
  • Budget easily with other monthly expenses
  • Know your heating bill cost ahead of time
  • Enjoy convenience & predictability

Heating Budget Plan Payments Chart

Budget Plan FAQs

Q: How does the budget plan work?

A: We use degree-day technology and your home heating history to calculate your total heating costs for the season. This amount is divided up into 12 equal installments and billed monthly.

Q: What if I need more fuel than predicted?

A: Simple! Any extra fuel will simply be billed at the daily rate.

Q: What if I use less fuel than predicted?

A: Any remaining credit will be applied to the following year’s budget.

Benefit from a Heating Fuel Budget Plan

If you’d like to spread your fuel purchases out throughout the entire year instead of bearing the brunt of the cost during fall and winter, click here to learn more about our home heating budget plans. We’re happy to work with you to provide low, predictable heating fuel payments.